My blackberry is not working – BBC

I acquired something from your recently and also I'' m really dissatisfied oh yeah what'' s the problem yeah well my blackberry is not functioning what'' s the baby run our juice oh currently it'' s totally icy oh yeah I'' m see that I ' ll inform you what allow ' s try out orange that ' s got a couple of black areas you see oh yeah yeah sorry concerning that yep well you get my blackberry working well could be an application concern where do you keep that black bean which on my desktop well you might attempt making use of a mouse to drag the BlackBerry to the garbage then after you'' re done that you might desire to launch the BlackBerry from the desktop computer however I'' ve currently attempted a couple of times I suggest all it did was mess up windows well it could be worth waiting a pair of weeks they obtained the most up to date black breeze can be found in after that well might you offer me a date absolutely allow me place that day my diary anything else I'' ll be with yes yes I ' ve likewise got a problem to be straightforward with my he'' s an old who isn ' t it when do you buy that it recently recently oh they drew out two new apples because a what'' s the problem in it well I'' ve trying to put my dongle in whoa [__] [Applause] exactly how BIG'' s your dongle well I don'' t recognize much concerning these things but my better half seen a few dongles in her time and she claims a little bit on the small side I worried there'' s not a whole lot I could do concerning it tell you what let me try starting it it'' s crashed anything else just how can I be well surprisingly enough yes my grand son'' s birthday quickly all right now it'' s already gone Apple as well as a blackberry I suggest have you got anything else you could similar to well we'' re doing a special offer on these I'' m a narc I ' ll make still turn of them but the youngsters appear to like him eggs box you

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